Runner’s Beat



I was sitting in the locker room at the gym a few days ago when I reached into my bag to retrieve my iPod, and remembered it was sitting nicely on my desk all the way at my apartment. I was already laced up, ready to go and I knew it would be a stupid decision to try and go back for it.


iPod running

I convinced myself that running without music couldn’t be that bad, and I headed to go grab a treadmill. As I began to run, I could hear every little sound around me and I told myself to run for 15 minutes and I’d call it a day. I heard everything from the annoying fan blowing over my head, to the girl gasping for breathe next to me, to the familiar and annoying sound of the belt beneath my feet. There was no way I was doing my normal 33-minute run on the treadmill that day. (Don’t ask why it’s 33 minutes, for some reason I always push to that 33!)

After a few minutes of running to my own thoughts, I began to pay attention to my breathing and how soothing it almost was. I practiced the runner’s breathing technique of breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth and it made a big difference. At the end of my 33 minutes I felt great and pretty inspired because I felt like a real runner who didn’t need music!

On the way back home to my apartment, I began to think a lot about running with music and everything it offers. I always run with music because there’s no better feeling than cranking up the volume and just being out there by yourself. Music inspires and motivates me and I prefer to run with music, but there is something bittersweet about being out there with your own thoughts. Call me crazy, but I may “forget” my iPod a few times every now and again. I think it’s good for the runner’s soul to just be out there by yourself.

running with iPod - literally

running with iPod - literally

I have begun to think a lot about the types of running music and what other runners are listening to when they put some miles under their feet. What are you guys listening to when you work out or run? I know some people prefer hardcore rock music, others are more rap and I’ve even heard one guy who likes to work out to country. (I know that’s not my pick at all.)

This site is really motivational with running music, check it out and download some songs they suggest. Also another great music site is on Runner’s because you can pick a playlist from some of the best runners in the world and see what they are listening to. Maybe it will push you those extra five minutes or up that gruesome hill.

I’ve put together a list of my favorite running songs, check them out and let me know what you guys think!

Personal Record’s Top Running Songs

  • Lady Gaga – Paper Gangsta
  • Nas – Hero
  • Akon – Keep You Much Longer
  • Eminem – The Real Slim Shady
  • Sam Adams – Comin’ Up
  • Kanye West – All Of The Lights

Make a separate playlist on your iPod just for a workout or for a run. That way when you are running, you’re not fumbling with the music. Name your playlist something fun like “Workin’ On My Fitness” or “Bikini Body.” Something that puts a smile on your face when you set out for that great run.

3 thoughts on “Runner’s Beat

  1. I’m a lot like you-I can’t run without music. It gets me motivated and feeling powerful, especially when I’m not in the mood to run and in the winter time, when I run on a treadmill in my basement (yes, it’s as horrible as it sounds). I know some people who like to watch tv or movies when they’re running, but I can’t do that either. I don’t think it’s about being distracted from the run; it’s about getting in the zone. I’m always looking for new songs to run to, so I’m excited to check out the Runner’s World playlists.
    Here are some of my favorites:
    Remember the Name- Fort Minor
    Heart of a Champion- Nelly
    Enter Sandman- Metallica
    I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor- Arctic Monkeys
    Forever- Drake

  2. I’ve forgotten my iPod at home a couple of times and it’s not horrible but I need my tunes. I usually listen to pop or techno while I run and rock when I’m lifting. I’ve been in a 90’s grunge mood while lifting lately.

Let me know what you think!